Tuesday, January 15, 2013

That (Expletive) Is Bananas (INSANITY Days 8 & 9)

Sorry about skipping a post yesterday, I didn't get around to working out until midnight last night and then had another late workout today. It's that special time of the month and well, I'm exhausted. Me, like other women, become very iron deficient and therefore absolutely fatigued.  Before, my favorite way to get my iron while PMSing was to treat myself to a nice, juicy burger. Not happening this time (I'm saving my cheat meal for when I'm with Rudy this weekend but I may still eat one then...) so instead yesterday I made myself a Tuna burger:

All you need is a packet of flavored tuna, a couple spoons of bread crumbs, a splash of egg substitute, and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese. Then you sear it in a pan! I sauteed some mushrooms and onions and used a slice of Greek yogurt cheese (lactose free!) with a tiny bit of olive oil mayo on a whole wheat bun. I added extra veggies with tomato slices and a handful of baby kale. It was delicious and satisfying.

Yesterday's workout was power cardio and resistance, which was nice because I did NOT have the energy to do a more cardio-intense workout. I put off working until midnight yesterday because I was so tired. I fought off today's Iron deficiency with a berry and spinach smoothie this morning. I was late today because I had to travel to South Austin for a job interview. It went really well and sometime either this week or next week I will have a follow-up interview with my prospective manager.

Today's workout was Pure Cardio, the hardest video of Month 1 in my opinion. It's nonstop hardcore cardio and instead of circuits Shaun T mixes it up , not letting you settle into routine. They're all familiar moves but instead you just do one minute of each move and then move on to the next set. Even Shaun T said "That Sh*t is Bananas, YO!" at the end of the video. I'm beat! Especially my arms, lats, and chest... there are a lotttt of pushups in INSANITY and I have very little upper body strength (compared to my lower body)... for now...

I'm off to hit the shower, bury myself in God's word and knock out! Goodnight!

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